Java 值传递典型例子
* str 变量持有的是 String 对象的内存地址。传递到函数中时,形参str2 是str 值拷贝(内存地址)。
* 由于String 类的特殊性,重新赋值就相当于给str2 赋值新的内存地址。和原有的str 没有关系。
* 运行结果:“字符串修改后:zhangsan”
public class TestStr {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "zhangsan";
* @param str2 函数的形参是被调用时所传实参的副本。引用类型,对应的value 是地址副本
private static void changeStr(String str2) {
// 相当于 str2 = new String("lisi");
str2 = "lisi";
值传递(pass by value)
值传递(pass by value):在调用函数时,将实际参数复制一份传递到函数中,这样在函数中对参数进行修改,就不会影响到原来的实际参数;
When a parameter is pass-by-value, the caller and the callee method operate on two different variables which are copies of each other. Any changes to one variable don’t modify the other.
It means that while calling a method, parameters passed to the callee method will be clones of original parameters. Any modification done in callee method will have no effect on the original parameters in caller method.
引用传递(pass by reference)
引用传递(pass by reference): 在调用函数时,将实际参数的地址直接传递到函数中。这样在函数中对参数进行的修改,就会影响到实际参数;
When a parameter is pass-by-reference, the caller and the callee operate on the same object.
It means that when a variable is pass-by-reference, the unique identifier of the object is sent to the method. Any changes to the parameter’s instance members will result in that change being made to the original value.
values and references
在 Java 中,原始类型变量( Primitive variables )存储的就是实际的值,非原始变量存储的引用变量( reference variables )(指向它们所引用的对象的地址 the addresses of the objects)。
值和引用都存储在堆栈内存中 ( Both values and references are stored in the stack memory )。
JavaScript 值传递
ECMAScript中所有函数的参数都是按值传递的。- 《JavaScript高级程序设计》
var name = 'zhangsan';
function setName (n) {
n = 'lisi';
console.log(n); //output: lisi
console.log(name); //output: zhangsan
C++ 引用传递
using namespace std;
void change(int &i) {
i = i+2;
int main() {
int i = 0;
cout << "Value of i before change is :" << i << endl;
cout << "Value of i now is :" << i << endl;
$ g++ change.cpp -o change
$ ./change
- JAVA:值传递和引用传递_SummerOfFoam的博客-CSDN博客
- JS中的值传递 - 知乎
[Pass-By-Value as a Parameter Passing Mechanism in Java Baeldung](