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Communication In Lettuce(netty 编程 Example)


Lettuce is a fully non-blocking Redis client built with netty providing Reactive, Asynchronous and Synchronous Data Access .

Netty In Lettuce


  • RedisURI [host=’localhost’, port=6379] 连接的封装,用于解析database password 等基础参数,还有集群,Sentinel 配置解析。

  • DefaultEndpoint 通信 channel 的封装。除了提供 channel.write,还具备重连和重试的能力。

  • RedisClient 负责构造和初始化Netty,thread-safe,reuse this instance as much as possible。

  • ClientResources 管理(初始化和持有) EventExecutorGroup, Timer, EventBus 等资源。不需要重复创建。

②通信相关 ChannelHandler

 * lettuce 与 redis-server 通信提供编解码(RESP 协议),监控的实现
 * @see io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder#buildHandlers()
protected List<ChannelHandler> buildHandlers() {
	List<ChannelHandler> handlers = new ArrayList<>();
	handlers.add(new ChannelGroupListener(channelGroup));

	// Encodes RedisMessage into bytes following
	handlers.add(new CommandEncoder());
	// writing redis commands and reading responses from the server. core!!! 
	handlers.add(new CommandHandler());
	// 通过 eventBus 把连接状态相关的事件广播出去。
	handlers.add(new ConnectionEventTrigger(connectionEvents, connection, clientResources.eventBus()));

	// monitoring the channel and reconnecting when the connection is lost.
	if (clientOptions.isAutoReconnect()) {
		handlers.add(new ConnectionWatchdog());
	return handlers;

Netty 编程(Building a pipeline)

Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework
for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.


  • ChannelHandler 集合, 链式处理 channel 事件和读写操作。

  • 对于I/O事件的处理顺序,可以参考 文档的diagram。非常详细 👍

  • 使用的设计模式 Intercepting Filter pattern


  • 下游最终到达 Socket.write()


  • 上游源自

Redis client example in Netty

使用Netty 编写简单的Redis client 示例 Source Code

Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
 .handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
      * 发送顺序:STDIN -> RedisClientHandler -> RedisEncoder
      * 接收顺序:RedisDecoder -> RedisBulkStringAggregator -> RedisArrayAggregator -> RedisClientHandler -> STDOUT
	 protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
		 ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
		 // Decodes the Redis protocol into objects, that is ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
		 p.addLast(new RedisDecoder());
		 // InboundHandler 针对Redis 协议的Bulk String 类型反序列化
		 p.addLast(new RedisBulkStringAggregator());
		 // InboundHandler 针对数组类型的返回结果反序列化
		 p.addLast(new RedisArrayAggregator());
		 // Encodes RedisMessage into bytes following, that is ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter
		 p.addLast(new RedisEncoder());
		 // This handler read input from STDIN and write output to STDOUT, that is ChannelDuplexHandler
		 p.addLast(new RedisClientHandler());

// Start the connection attempt.
Channel ch = b.connect(HOST, PORT).sync().channel();


    如上的列子中可以看出,使用Netty 实现 client 可以理解为build pipeline。在ChannelPipeline 类文档中,详细介绍pipeline 的工作过程,以及如何使用。

    cs 架构的中间件都能看到netty 的应用场景。MQ Dubbo ElasticSearch Redis等。

    如上的Lettuce 在netty 框架的基础上,结合异步调用,queue 等特性,把性能充分的发挥出来。对于异步编程学习是个很好的参考。

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